My Portfolio

A showcase of my projects and skills

I'm Dillon McDonald

Web Developer

I'm a passionate programmer who loves tech and learning new things.

Budget Buddy

Track, visualize, and adjust spending habits to improve finances. Built with C#, ASP.NET MVC, Syncfusion Components and Azure Web Services, Server and Database. Allows users to create expense/income categories and transactions on specific dates with notes, edit categories and transactions, and graph their overall finances.

Code Match

Find the perfect coding colleague with this social media platform for programmers developed using the MERN Stack, React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more. Allows for software developers to make posts, replies, likes and personal profiles. Includes integrated GitHub repository support for users to display their work. Users can also list experience, education, bio and skills. Uses the GitHub API and OAuth authentication.

My Figure Reviews

View and share collectibles and figure images, send your collectibles in for repairs and painting, and learn more about how to maintain and showcase your collection. Made using Wordpress, Elementor, OceanWP, and hosted on Hostinger.

Ancient Abyss

A top-down shooter akin to Diablo and Hotline Miami with 7 levels, inventory screen, loot/drop chance system, AI and boss. Developed with C++, DirectXTK12 and the LARC Engine.

Topic Categorizer

Organize your entertainment media database with this python program that uses AI with the MonkeyLearn and Twitter APIs to tag social media posts and movie/tv show/game synopses with an appropriate category.